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When you register for a free BNI Basic Membership, you'll get these benefits:

1. Concierge Support Worldwide: With access to over 11,000 weekly BNI meetings spanning the globe, you can expand the visibility of your business, make valuable contacts, and seize new opportunities. Our dedicated concierge support is ready to help you navigate and attend any BNI meeting worldwide.

2. Networking and Referral Evaluation Tool: Gain insights into your current networking and referral strategies with our exclusive tool. Understand what's working and identify areas for improvement, all in one place. We're here to help you optimize your efforts and maximize your results.

3. Exclusive Training Content: Elevate your business development strategy with our premium training content. We provide you with valuable resources, tips, and strategies to enhance your marketing, sales and networking skills to generate more referrals.

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The best way to find out about BNI is to visit a chapter. Visitors may attend chapter meetings twice ONLY (one chapter twice, or two chapters once each), before they will be asked to make a decision about joining. Visitors may NOT promote their business in a chapter where their business category is represented. It is not necessary to have an invitation to visit a chapter, however it is best to contact the president of the chapter prior to the visit.

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