BNI Chapter Success Coach Opportunity
Want to continue to "step-up your game" and remain active within BNI at a higher level than you are now? Are you interested in the opportunity to receive more referrals? Consider applying to the BNI Regional Team!
Would You Like...
Do You Have...
- Increased exposure for your business?
- Advanced training and self development?
- Increased visibility, credibility and profitability?
- A desire to help others?
- A desire to live the Givers Gain® philosophy?
- The ability to schedule your own time?
BNI Chapter Success Coach
The BNI Chapter Success Coach (CSC) is a commission-based position. Coaches oversee 1-3 chapters in a given area.
This opportunity is designed to help our members increase their profitability through BNI by expanding their referral network and helping others.
CSC's support and help the chapter(s) they oversee increase membership, retain current members, and train and educate the members to help them get the most out of BNI.
Ideal candidates are former Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Secretary Teasurers who possess the following attributes; strong leadership and presentation skills; understanding of BNI policies and guidelines, and live the Givers Gain® Philosophy!